By Published On: May 27, 2024Categories: ,

Project Background

We aim to enhance local resilience to climate change through a multifaceted approach. The project will conduct a comprehensive inventory of available data to support climate adaptation efforts and establish mechanisms for broader local consultation, incorporating traditional knowledge into policy-making. A demonstration plot in Musanze will serve as a hands-on learning site where farmers can engage in peer learning and practical application of climate-resilient practices.

The project will also document traditional practices and develop a framework for long-term collaboration between agriculture, land, and environment sector practitionners. Spatial analysis will be used to map vulnerable agricultural lands, farming practices, and value chains, providing critical insights for policy support. Consultative workshops will gather local perspectives from farmers, cooperatives, agro-dealers, and academics, ensuring that adaptation strategies are community-driven. Additionally, the project will develop localized information systems to facilitate effective information sharing and advisory services between authorities and farmers. Capacity-building initiatives, including training and coaching, will strengthen local systems for climate adaptation.

Key stakeholders that will be involved in the project include mandated public institutions, farmer cooperatives, value chain actors, local leaders and Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture(RICA). Musanze’s unique landscape, characterized by its mountainous terrain and significant agricultural activity, makes it an ideal location for this initiative. The project will leverage the district’s existing agricultural framework, which spans three distinct seasons, to implement and test climate adaptation measures. Through these efforts, the project aims to build a robust, community-centered approach to climate adaptation in Musanze.

Project Team

Serge Tuyambaze

Food System Data Fellow

Mucyo Ndera Tuyizere

Climate Adaptation Fellow

Marie Merci Hermione Rutayisire

Sustainable Agriculture Fellow