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Transforming Endless Possibilities

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

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Our Vision

There is a clear pathway for African youth to build fulfilling careers that maximize the potential of African food systems on which populations can thrive.

Our Mission

GanzAfrica provides holistic training at the intersection of agriculture, the environment, and land management and land rights to prepare youth to lead the development of resilient food systems across the continent.

Our Team

jeremy courtney

Founder & CEO

jeremy courtney
terry g. watson

Senior Executive

terry g. watson
agnes southern

Senior Executive

agnes southern
mark s. parsley

Senior Executive

mark s. parsley

A transformation partner

Africa is a young, fast-growing continent with almost boundless potential. To take full advantage of the opportunities ahead, African leaders need to address several priorities, including creating impactful jobs for youth and improving agriculture, which employs more Africans than any other sector. GanzAfrica offers an innovative training, mentorship, and work placement program that meets both pressing needs at once—and prepares African youth to take the future in their hands.

GanzAfrica provides holistic career preparation for transformative food systems leaders. Our curriculum integrates best practices around agriculture, the environment, sustainable land management, and land rights to break siloed patterns of thinking and unlock opportunities at the intersections of these fields. We stress data literacy and analytical capabilities to equip youth with the necessary skills to provide the right support to state and non-state organizations to make evidence-based decisions. Our program also connects fellows to a rich community of mentors and places them in government and non-government sector jobs where they gain both real-world experience and the beginnings of a professional network.

In the end, GanzAfrica connects youth to fulfilling careers that draw on their passion and skills to deliver on the promise of a healthy, prosperous future for the continent.

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  • Awards won with business intelligence
  • Our mission is to grow your business faster
  • Global presence makes us top rated company

Supported Businesses
Funds Granted Through Govt. Aid
Turnkey Projects

Passionate – Dedicated – Professional

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